The great temporary exhibitions

16.06.15 > 29.11.15

Jean Van Hamme, traveller without frontiers

After studying economics and business administration, Jean Van Hamme (Brussels, 1939) held a high-ranking post in a major multinational company. He then abandoned his career overnight to devote himself to writing film and comic strip scenarios. Van Hamme went on to become the author of huge best-sellers such as Thorgal, XIII and Largo Winch – 25 years old this year! – and also wrote many memorable works such as Epoxy, Histoire sans Héros, SOS Bonheur and Le Grand Pouvoir du Chninkel. His great strength lies in his skill at exposing the hidden face of power. An inveterate wanderer, Jean Van Hamme has travelled widely throughout the world, and heads off to research every location to which he sends his heroes on their adventures.

Curator: Patrick Gaumer
With the support of Brussels-Capital Region.

Tags : Museum / Strip / Exhibition / Publication


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