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Comics @ the museum

International conference on 6th of September

Published on 21 June 2022

How can comics help to make a museum visit more attractive and/or insightful? How did the Louvre Museum, the Jüdisches Museum in Berlin and Musée de l'Homme in Paris tackle this question? And what can we learn from the impressive Fumetti nei Musei project, in which 51 Italian museums were 'stripped' by renowned cartoonists? Join us at the Belgian Comic Strip Center in Brussels on 6 September and be inspired by the endless possibilities of the Ninth Art!

Are you an education officer, communications officer, curator, director or archivist? And are you looking for a creative way to highlight your activities or (the history of) your collection(s)? Then this international conference is definitively for you. 

Comic book creators (artists, scenarists, colourists, etc.), publishers and other professionals are equally welcome.

All interventions will be in English.



9.00 a.m.: Welcome with coffee

9.30 a.m.: Welcome. Overview of the day and practical details, by Tine Anthoni (Belgian Comic Strip Center) and Roel Daenen (FARO)

9.35: Introduction by Olga Van Oost (General Manager FARO) and Isabelle Debekker (Director Belgian Comic Strip Center) about the inspiring resource that comics may be for  museums; from educational purposes to groundbreaking contemporary artistic creations.

9.45: From one shots to long-term inspiration | Marie Nauman and Katharina Wuffius (Jüdisches Museum, Berlin) and André Delpuech (Musée de l'Homme, Paris) 

10.45: Coffee Break

11.00: Build a comic book collection about and for your museum | Fabrice Douar (Louvre, Paris) and Ana Cela (Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid), Q&A session

12.00 Lunch and free visit of the museum

13.00: The next level: comics in the museums of a leading comics nation | Mattia Morandi (Fumetti nei Musei, Rome), question round

13.45: The floor is yours: how would you like to put a comics project into practice? In small workshop groups, you discuss the possible obstacles, challenges and opportunities that comics offer your heritage organization. What exactly do you need to realize your project? Where do you feel stuck (and where does it run smoothly)? Where do you feel doubts (and where don’t you)? Share your dreams and plans.

14:15 coffee break

14.30: Brief report from working groups

14.45 Make it happen: an extra stimulus and tailor-made guidance for Belgian museum comics (Karl van den Broeck, Stripgids), question round

14.50: Comic strip creators have their say: what opportunities and challenges do they see? With Pieter Depoortere (Huis van Alijn, Ghent and author), Judith Vanistendael (comic artist and teacher training in comic strips LUCA School of Arts, Abdel de Bruxelles (comic artist), Gabri Molist (comic artist and researcher LUCA School of Arts Ghent) and Wiebe Mokken (publisher Scratch Books)

15.20: Conclusion: good intentions. Workshop groups spread out in the museum

15.50: Final words by Tine Anthoni (Belgian Comic Strip Center) and Roel Daenen (FARO)

16.00 Guided tour of the exhibition Comics at the Louvre


An organisation of FARO, the Belgian Comic Strip Center and Stripgids. With the highly appreciated support of the Instituto Cervantes, the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Diplomatic Representation of Flanders in France and LUCA School of Arts.




The standard fee for this course is 70 euros.

The reduced rate for this training is 55 euros and applies to organisations and associations in the heritage sector and full-time students.

Jobseekers and people in a vulnerable socio-economic position can apply for a social rate via the organiser of the course.



Fill out this form to register for the event (in English. You could also choose French or Dutch if you prefer)

Tags : Museum / Exhibition / Guided tour / Art Nouveau / Reading room / Creative Course / Hire of Venue


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